Iran Regime’s Rule Has Reached Its End and Is Taking the Last Breath


NCRI – The prominent Human rights activist and first President of Tehran University after 1979 revolution in Iran, Dr. Mohammad Maleki, stated that the regime in Iran has “reached its end and is taking its last breath.”

In an interview on November 27, Dr. Maleki referring to scandal of the regime’s Judiciary chief, Sadegh Larijani’s, over his personal bank accounts, said: “during the past few months, some issues have been exposed and I think all of them are related. Disclosure of major astronomical salaries, Ayatollah Montazeri’s audio file [regarding 1988 massacre of political prisoners], the story of Saeed Mortazavi, moral corruption of Saeed Tusi, and the last one being Sadegh Larijani’s [personal] accounts and corruption of the Judiciary system, all of these remind the last years of the Shah’s regime.”

“If you look ahead, in all these revelations the regime’s supreme leader (Ali Khamenei,) is involved and the attacks on him have become more intense. On the other hand, daily strikes and [protest] gatherings by various strata of the society show that the regime is taking its last breath and has reached the end of the line,” Dr. Maleki continued.

This human rights activist adds: “Free media should actively work and keep these issues [revelations] alive in order to raise the level of people’s awareness so that we reach a point where people like the Larijani brothers could not ravage like this and their fate be determined by the courts of justice.”


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