Iran Regime’s Officials Admit to Ordered Wave of Rising Prices


NCRI Staff

NCRI – With the rise in prices for the most basic and public needs, an economic expert of the Iranian regime outlined an organized surge in prices, saying any increase in prices was made with the green light of government officials.

“Milk, yogurt and eggs have become more expensive; the price of dairies has doubled over the past year” government media reflected these headlines, showing a wave of expensiveness and rising prices that has broken people’s back and made the table of poor people emptier.

A state-owned media under the title of “long wave of expensiveness” wrote: “The turbulent prices and neglect of the government and regulatory agencies have led the people to face a 2 to 67 percent increase in commodity prices in recent months, while over the past few years the purchase power of households has fallen sharply,” (Mashreq newspaper, December 25, 2017).

Another state-run media pointed out the statistics provided by the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, and rising prices of 46 goods from 56 commodity groups over the same period last year and under the title of “food price pot is boiled” wrote: “According to the statistics, the prices for potatoes have grown 38.9 percent, tomatoes 24.2 percent, bean chitin 28.5 percent, onions 67.2 percent, girder (iron) 66.7 percent, barley 26.1 percent, rebar rod 42.2 percent, butter 9.21 percent, and Calves meat 19.5 percent , respectively, (Khorasan newspaper, December 24, 2017).

The state-run Kayhan newspapaer affiliated to the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, published an article titled “shrinkage of the people’s table continues” saying: “As the people’s table, particularly the poor, becomes smaller, the prices of basic goods like milk and yogurt, and eggs…increase.”

Another state-owned media wrote: “The prices of eggs continue to rise in recent weeks… a new record and showing 100% increase over the past year at this time of the year, (Jam-e Jam, December 24, 2017).

Another media published an article titled “dairies, over the past year has become two times more expensive,” pointing out that a government agency does not announce daily prices of the basic goods and commodities so that it’s not clear how many times the people’s essential needs have become more and more expensive over the course of the year.

It is noteworthy that consequent to this disastrous upsurge of the prices, today in the city of Mashhad capital of the Khorasan Razavi province, more than 10000 people poured into the streets and created an uprising against the Iranian regime and chanted slogans such as: Death to the Dictator and Death to Rouhani, this event soon triggered protest gathering and demonstrations in many other cities across Iran, and many more has been programmed for today.” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>″ width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

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