Iran Regime’s MP: Issuing Death Sentence Is Recruitment for Drug Dealers


NCRI – Spokesman for Legal and Judicial Committee of Iranian regime’s parliament has acknowledged that issuing death sentence for all those involved in drug trafficking cycle will harm the families, saying this will push the children of those executed towards drug dealing, thus serving recruitment for drug cartels.

According to Jam-e-Jam online website on Wednesday April 26, Hassan Norouzi also acknowledged that children of those executed are pushed towards drug dealing due to poverty.

“Many of the children of the executed drug dealers have been isolated from society, with no office willing to employ them and even no one willing to marry them”, added Norouzi.

“In such circumstances”, he added, “Recruitment for drug cartels is prepared, with the children being pushed towards working with them.”

Norouzi pointed to abandonment of families of those executed and their deprivation of social supports as the most serious harms of issuing death sentence for all those involved in drug trafficking cycle. He also acknowledged that issuing death sentence for drug dealers in Iran has not had a deterrent effect.

Previously, Mohammad-Javad Larijani, Secretary of Judiciary’s Human Rights Department, had said that “after nearly four decades of executing drug dealers, the outcome has not been desirable.”

Meanwhile, a regime’s MP has pointed to five thousand drug dealers on death row in Iran, saying that there’s no proportionality between crime and punishment.

According to Ali Bakhtiar, member of Legal and Judicial Committee of regime’s parliament, “the five thousands are generally those who were involved in managing drug trade, armed trafficking, and so on. But there are many on death row, who although have committed a crime, but they should not be punished with execution, as there’s no proportionality between their crime and their punishment.”

Iranian regime’s judicial officials have repeatedly said that 90 percent of executions in Iran are drug-related.

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