Iran Regime’s Long Record of Destruction of the Environment

Sand Storm, due to mismanagement and destruction of the environment by the Iranian regime and its IRGC

Iranian provinces face a water shortage crisis. During the summer, many of Iran’s southern provinces lacked access to water. What is the origin of this crisis? The destructive policy of the Iranian regime that has pushed the Iranian environment to the edge of destruction.  In this article, we will examine the effects of the ongoing destruction of the environment on Iranian society and the consequences, such as the water crisis or the devastating floods that happened earlier this year.

The Iranian regime and it’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) play a key role in indicate that at least 17 people have been killed and dozens injured due to heavy raining and devastating Flood in the city of South-Central Iran.

— Maryam Rajavi (@Maryam_Rajavi) April 1, 2019

She cited that the corrupt mullahs inflicted this catastrophe and others by

One Iranian-Arab citizen in Ahvaz described the situation, saying: “Khuzestan’s problem is not water density­ – it is the density of lies, betrayal, and totalitarianism, and when we opposed them we were called anti-revolutionist.”

The mullahs’ destruction of the environment is one of the most devastating problems caused by the Regime, which you can see through the excessive construction of dams that served the regime’s economic benefits.

The construction of numerous dams in Iran reduces the dams’ external water stream, forcing the agriculturists to dig wells, legally or illegally, to fulfill their need for water from underground sources. This practice in the moors around the Urmia Lake accelerated the drying of this lake, leaving a devastating ecological effect, particularly on Isfahan, Charmahl & Bakhtiari, and Yazd provinces.

The fact is, during its 40 years of reign, the mullahs’ regime has not only slaughtered the Iranian people and violated human rights, but continues the destruction of the Iranian environment. So, the answer to the environmental crisis in Iran, as to other social or economic crises, is the downfall of this regime. 

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