Iran: Preventing the Use of Health Care Facilities by Child Laborers


NCRI Staff

NCRI – According to an official of the Iranian regime’s welfare orgainzation, while many children do not have “identity papers,” the Ministry of Health requires them to have identity document to use the medical facilities of the ministry.

Habibollah Massoudi Farid, social deputy of the welfare organization made the statements on Wednesday, September 11, in an interview with the state-run ILNA news agency. According to him, “many of these children, whether Iranian or immigrant, lack identity papers and subsequently insurance,” and therefore they cannot use for free the health centers of the Ministry of Health.”

The social deputy of the Iranian Welfare Organization described the situation of children who search in garbage for food as “critical” and said that these children “often work in hidden layers,” and searching in garbage threatens their “mental health and dignity.”

Following a significant increase in the number of working children in Iran, government agencies have begun collecting working and street children, a plan which, according to the regime officials, has so far been implemented “30 times with no success.”

The Iranian regime instead of using the country’s financial resources to improve livelihoods, achieving employment and improving the living conditions of the people and particularly vulnerable groups like children, applies repressive plans and punishment of the families who have no choice but forced to or unknowingly send their children to work.

According to experts, these projects instead of fundamental combat against this phenomenon affect disadvantaged and deprived children and victims and put them under more pressure.

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