Iran: Metro Company Does Not Provide the Employee’s Social Insurance Premiums


NCRI – The head of the Transport and Traffic Committee of Tehran City Council says that the Metro Motor Operations Company deducts the employees’ premium fees from their salary payment cheques but does not deposit it into the insurer’s accounts.

According to state-run ILNA news agency, on Sunday July 23, 2017, Mohsen Sarkhou said: “The social security premium of the Metro operations company has not been paid since the beginning of June, and this has made difficulties for the staff’s medical insurance booklet being accepted by the medical centers.

He added: “This is while these amounts are constantly and monthly deducted from their accounts. Workers’ insurance premium is not paid in the past years which has caused various issues for employees who are on the verge of retirement.”

“Subsidiary premium is not paid to the staff of Metro Operations Company, although under the insurance premiums, the company has reduced personnel salaries, but has not deposited in due time to the accounts of insurer companies,” Sarkhou added.

The regime’s agent admitted that the lack of calculation of the hard work of Tehran’s subway staff has caused difficulties for the employees in the process of retirement. He said: “Changing the job titles of a number of employees on the pretext of changing the organizational chart has led to difficulties in the records of some people who have already been in this difficult and harmful work.”

He added that the lack of charge of the welfare card of Parsian employees since 2006 and the non-payment of debt to the Tehran Municipality reserve while deductions are made monthly from the company employees’ legal fees are also other issues that cause problems for the staff of the Metro Operation Company.

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