Iran Is the Second Saddest Country in the World


NCRI – The head of Iranian regime’s Social Workers Association acknowledged on Wednesday November 2 that following Iraq, Iran under the rule of the Mullahs is the second saddest country in the world.

According to ISNA state news agency, Hassan Mousavi Chalak stated that based on average statistics on social happiness provided by a number of respected International organizations, Iran is not among the happy countries. He added: “among 185 countries, Iran is ranked 105, and regarding the world’s unhappiest countries, Iran is at the bottom of the list behind Iraq. We are the second saddest country in the world after Iraq.”

The head of Iranian regime’s Social Workers Association pointed to the high rate of mental disorders in the country and said: “some statistical studies point to a rate of 35 percent for mental disorders in Tehran. In some parts of Tehran, however, the situation is too shocking as the rate reaches 80 percent which is described as too critical and raises the issue of social happiness more seriously than ever.”

Mousavi Chalak pointed to the age of entry into prostitution fallen to below10 years of age and added: “definitely, the country’s current and future security is tied to the social issues, since the major crises today are the social ones.”

Mousavi Chalak pointed out that: “some of the officially announced statistics do not reflect the reality, rather, these unreal statistics are a sign of the officials’ incorrect look at these issues. For instance, the number of addicts has been announced to be 2.3 million people while the actual figure is much more than that.” He said that even according to these unreal statistics the situation is not good and added: ”with regard to addiction, the number of addicts in Iran is equal to the number of addicts in India, whereas India’s population is 15 times as much.”

The head of Iranian regime’s Social Workers Association stated that “the number of female-headed households has increased as much as100 percent in the past five years while we don’t have any plan to organize them.”

Mousavi Chalak also pointed to the two hundred thousand alcoholics in the country and said: “in the past, we thought that we could prevent these issues by a harsh treatment and heavy punishments, but today we think otherwise.”

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