Iran car crash kills 13 Afghans

At least 14 people including 13 Afghans were killed following a road accident in southern Iran, the state-run Mehr News Agency reported Sunday.

The incident has reportedly taken place on Saturday night on the outskirts of Darab town when a vehicle carrying Afghan migrants collided with another vehicle.

The agency identified 13 of the dead as Afghan migrants as well as an Iranian driver of one of the cars. It did not offer a cause for the crash, though it said the cars burst into flames after the collision.

Afghan nationals are frequently travelling by road to neighboring Iran to find work as labourers.

Road traffic accidents kill nearly 28,000 people and injure or disable 300,000 people a year in Iran, which has a population of around 75 million.

Based on these figures the number of victims of road accidents in Iran are 45 times higher than industrial countries.

World Health Organization figures show Iran has the fifth highest level of road deaths out of 25 countries in the survey, and the figure is worsening every year.


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