Iran: Blogger jailed for branding Khamenei speech ‘strange’

NCRI – A pro-Khamenei blogger has been jailed in Iran for six months for describing a comment by the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei as ‘strange’, in the latest example of the suppression of free speech in the regime.

Mojtaba Daneshtalb made the ‘subversive’ remark while commenting on Khamenei’s plans to change the presidential election process.

The Supreme Leader had said he was considering changing the election process from public vote to electing the president through a parliamentary vote only.

Daneshtalb – also fined 100,000 Tomans ($28) – branded the idea ‘strange in his blog in October 2011, noting that Khamenei has stated this after his differences with Ahmadinejad had been revealed.

The blogger wrote at the time: “The remarks by the leader create fear among the people. They fear that developments behind the scenes are moving so fast that the people will eventually be left without any will of their own at all.

Daneshtalb also described Khamenei’s election proposals as ‘much darker than present system’.

At the time he was detained and held briefly after publishing an apology on his blog. Before leaving to serve his six-month sentence in Tehran’s Evin prison, he wrote on his blog that he had not intended to be ‘anti-revolutionary’ and had not meant to cause offence.


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