Gradual Departure of Red Meat From Iranian Families’ Table


NCRI – The price of red meat in Iran is still fluctuating between 40 to 50 thousand Toman per kilogram (~$15) and the result is that the middle-to-lower stratum of society removes or replaces this basic food from their table.

The state-run Fars news agency affiliated to IRGC announced the news on 16 July 2017 and added that the price per kilogram of hot sheep meat is between 41 to 43 thousand Toman.

However, the price for round throne meat is 48 to 50 thousand Toman. The price of meat packaging is much higher and reaches a value of 57 thousand Toman ($20) per kilogram.

A caretaker of a four-person household (family of four) says: Ever since the price of red meat has risen … monthly we buy a kilogram of red meat and a package for preparing some food, which ultimately costs us 50 thousand Toman … before the price of sheep meat raises, we used to buy 3 to 4 kilograms sheep red meat from a butcher which ultimately cost us 100 thousand Toman.

An average middle-aged man who apparently does not have a high financial capability says he has drawn a red line around the red meat and does not buy it… He says his wife has a severe iron deficiency and the doctors prescribed to her eating red meat, but ultimately we have replaced the red meat with several tablet packs for iron deficiency, because with the little pension we receive, we cannot buy even a few kilos of red meat.

The state-run news agency finally admits: “Over the past few years, as the subsidies are eliminated, dairy consumption which is essential in the growth of bones and the height of children and the prevention of middle-age osteoporosis has been halved, and now reducing red meat consumption as one of the sources of iron supply and memory enhancement in the community (with no proper replacement) will eventually increase the burden of disease and the cost of treatment over the next 10 years.”

According to the Center for Statistics and the Central Bank of the Iranian regime, 25 percent of the purchasing power of meat has dropped in the past decade.

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