French archeologist invited to Iran but deported at Tehran airport

Rémy Boucharlat a French archeologist who was invited to Iran to participate in an archaeological seminar was denied entry to the country upon arrival at the airport in Tehran.

The state-run news agency ISNA reported that the archaeologist went to Tehran on an official invitation.

According to ISNA , Tuesday, May 20 , when Remy Boucharlat arrived in Tehran, ” the officers of border control of at Imam Khomeini International Airport did not authorized him to enter and ordered him return to France.”

This agency did not give an explanation of why the Iranian authorities prevented entry of this French archaeologist to Iran.

Rémy Boucharlat had worked in the past with Iranian archaeologists on the remains of Passargad (the first capital of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, near Persepolis in southern Iran).

In recent years, he had made several trips to Iran to participate in archaeological excavations or to participate in seminars.

Last winter , an archaeological book on the Achaemenid Empire was published in Iran under the supervision of Mr. Boucharlat.

In addition, last week, a trip by Peter Eisenman, an American architect, to Tehran to attend a seminar was canceled at the last moment.

The organizers of the seminar said a few days before the seminar that the Iranian police refused to grant permission for holding the seminar.

Several figures of the regime had protested against the participation of the American architect in a seminar in Iran.

Abdol-Hamid Noghreh -Kar, an architect near ultra faction within the regime had written about Peter Eisenman that he is a “nihilist architect” and “a soldier of the cultural enemies of Iran”.

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