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HomeIran News NowIran Culture & SocietyCorruption in Iran Results in Malnutrition for the Children

Corruption in Iran Results in Malnutrition for the Children

Corruption in Iran Results in Malnutrition for the Children

By Staff Writer

The number of Iranian people living in poverty continues to grow, and many children are suffering from illnesses due to inadequate amounts of food. Poverty is an important factor of the increasing malnutrition among Iranian children, who may go on to experience physical and mental disabilities.

Even individuals who are hospitalized, and should have adequate food, are in danger. Javan daily quoted a nutrition official in the Health Ministry as saying, “Malnutrition among hospitalized patients, especially those held in ICU and CCU sections, is a very serious concern literally threatening the lives of patients by disrupting their healing process.”

Experts believe that millions of Iranian children are suffering from malnutrition — leading to low weight, small stature, osteoporosis, as well as problems with both brain and physical growth, and lower immune response.

Across the country, many illnesses, including an increase in cancer, are believed to be caused by malnutrition.

The Iranian regime media outlets have published statistics that show that some six million people across Iran are suffering from osteoporosis, a disease that reduces the density and quality of bone. The bones become more porous and fragile, and the risk of fracture is greatly increased.

According to a report by the state-run Tabnak daily on January 2nd, 2018, “800,000 Iranian children under the age of five are suffering from malnutrition. Estimates show half of these children are not receiving adequate food supplies due to illnesses and low nutrition culture. The other half of these children under the age of five are suffering from malnutrition and low brain growth because of being born to a poor family. Child experts believe malnutrition is the main cause behind children’s brains suffering from poor growth. Malnutrition numbers vary across the country.”

The head of the Health Ministry’s Children Department called for intervention to confront malnutrition across the country in an interview with state-run ILNA news agency on December 4th. He noted that children in Hormozgan, Kurdistan, and Sistan and Baluchistan provinces are also experiencing problems with low weight.

The true number of children suffering from malnutrition may be much higher. Media outlets provide numbers for children’s malnutrition, but do not source their statistics. Many believe the regime stalls in providing information about the status of malnutrition among the populace because Iran’s society is a powder keg currently. Economic conditions have the future looking bleak for the Iranian people. Growing poverty has the people’s anger growing, as it results from a major rift in society’s classes. Iran’s society is made up of a 4 percent minority living in wealth, while the 96 percent of Iranians live in poverty. While millions of Iranian children suffer from malnutrition,
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is valued at over $95 billion.