Corrupt and Criminal Iran Regime Hoards Medical Equipment Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Iran's coronavirus outbreak- The IRGC is hoarding health masks and disinfectants
Iran’s coronavirus outbreak- The IRGC is hoarding health masks and disinfectants

The Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak is continuing to spread across Iran and the death toll is getting higher and higher with every hour that passes.

The Iranian regime is still continuing to downplay the situation and it refuses to act responsibly in order to contain the outbreak. 

According to the reports published by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) as of Monday over 2600 people have died because of the coronavirus. Only in Gilan province, north of Iran, 408 have lost their lives.  The people are scared about what the future holds for them, and they are angry that the regime takes no actions and continues downplaying the extent of the crisis. 

Governments across the world are taking action to protect their medical professionals. The Iranian regime, in contrast, is deliberately withholding medical equipment and medication from those that need it. Reports from the country indicate that the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has been stockpiling disinfectants and face masks, and then proceeding to sell them at an inflated price – dozens of times more expensive than they are worth.

Many health workers across the country do not have face masks and the regime’s Health Minister has addressed the situation. In a letter to the Minister of Industry, Saeed Namaki, wrote: “The problem of health masks is still not resolved and an intertwined network of hoarding masks is selling its products at ten times the price.” 

The regime has made several comments about such abuses, but no concrete actions have been taken. Ebrahim Raisi, the head of the judiciary and one the key players of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners said in an interview on March 1, that regime’s prosecutors must “show no mercy” when faced with individuals that take such action. But these words are meaningless when we see the IRGC stockpiling medical supplies to make a profit.  

Before the Coronavirus outbreak, face masks were selling for approximately 2,000 rials. They are now selling for upwards of 60,000 rials in Kerman, and reports have been saying that in other places people are trying to sell them for 150,000 rials each.  

Health workers, clearly unable to afford these shocking prices, are resorting to making their own masks seeing as the government is not providing them.  

The people of Iran are also making the reality of the situation known. They are using social media to spread the word about how the authorities are reacting. Social media reports have shown that IRGC agents have been selling air fresheners under the guise of “disinfectant spray”. They are relabelling everyday products and passing them off as helpful in protecting against the virus.  

The regime’s deception knows no bounds and it must be held accountable for putting the people of Iran, and the rest of the world, into such a grave situation.  

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said: The mullahs’ regime, which itself is the main cause of the disastrous outbreak, lacks competence and ability to manage the crisis and help the people of Gilan and the entire nation.”  

Therefore, she urged the brave youth to assist and care for those infected. She called on them to help save the lives of their compatriots, while taking the necessary health precautions. 

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