Consequences of the Economic Crisis and People’s Discontent in Iran


NCRI – On Sunday December 4, in a session of Iran regime’s parliament, some representatives expressed concerns about the consequences of the economic crisis and people’s discontent and tried to blame their rival faction for deterioration of the situation.

The cost of a simple cold is not less than 1 million Rials (~$32)

In this parliament session, Abdolreza Mesri, the Iranian regime’s Majlis representative from Kermanshah, said: “In 2014, we raised the surgery tariff by 120% under the (pretext of) transformation plan and the Minister says he is proud of this… When does he want to pay this money? If people catch a cold, it would cost them no less than 1 million Rials…

“This well that you have dug is bottomless. This year, the health service organization has had $2.4 billion funding deficit… Next year it will be $6.2 billion and the year after it will be $9.3 billion. You are going to break the back of the country by what you are doing… I ask you to come together before they bring you together!”

There will be a major healthcare catastrophe

Representative of the regime’s parliament from Karaj, Aziz Akbarian, said: “I urge you to seek solutions for the payments to hospitals and pharmacies by the insurance (institutions)…Lack of attention to these affairs will lead to major healthcare catastrophe… There is a hospital that cannot pay the salaries of its personnel because the insurance owes the hospital $3 billion.

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