Brief news on workers protest in Iran

80 of 125 workers of a company were laid off
NCRI – The managers of Jamineh Company in Iran has laid off 80 of its 125 workers of this menswear company.

The 45 remaining workers are also forced to work half shifts.

Representatives of workers at Jamineh Company have protested the layoff of their co-workers by taking up the issue with the city authorities in city of Pakdasht (25 kilometer/ 16 miles southwest of Tehran) where the company is situated.

Workers protest non-payment of wages
Expelled workers of Pounel Company, who haven’t received their delayed wages for more than 10 months, in act of protest went to the Public Prosecutor’s office in Pakdasht on Wednesdy, April 10.

Workers threatened to continue their protest bringing along their wife and children unless their demand for payment of wages are met

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