An Article by Representative of the Iranian Teachers & Educators Guild Association

NCRI Staff

NCRI – On Sunday, November 12, 2017, Mr. Hashem Khastar, representative of the Teachers’ Guild Association of Iran, in an article on his Facebook account, addressed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Iranian regime, while chastising Khamenei and calling him a dictator and expressing hope that the Iranian nation will soon achieve freedom.

The article reads in part:

“Mr. Khamenei! You probably know Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru, the leaders of India’s independence, who achieved independence for India after World War II in 1947? They portrayed the greatest blessings and achievements of humanity, namely democracy and freedom, modelling their colonizing country, Britain, and under no circumstances allowed to restrict the freedoms of their nation, and even after Mahatma Gandhi, his daughter Indira Gandhi, India’s Prime Minister, and Rajiv Gandhi (Indira Gandhi’s son and also a Prime Minister of India) were assassinated, the freedom of their nation were not taken away under the excuse of their assassination. But Khomeini, you and your subordinates have deliberately pushed the country towards war and assassination in order to crush your opponents and take away the legitimate and legal freedom and liberties of Iranian nation.”

“Mr. Khamenei! Nearly 40 years passed since Khomeini’s and your “Islamic” rule and if we want to describe the product and consequences of your ruling in a short sentence, we should say: Cities and villages are destroyed and cemeteries are nourished and blossoming.”

“Mr. Khamenei! Iran is ranked 148 among 161 countries in terms of corruption. Does the United States say that you should take bribes and make rents and plunder the country in the name of Islam? Or this has nothing to do with the United States and is a product of the religious dictatorship?”

“The population of Iran has doubled since the 1979 revolution, but the number of prisoners is more than 25 times.”

The municipality of Tehran has 68 thousand employees, but 130 thousand people are getting paid, and according to the new deputy mayor of Tehran more than 20 thousand of these people (the employees) are surplus. And this is called Islamic style administration of the capital of a Muslim country! Parasite children of the officials are busy in Europe and the United States doing orgy and debauchery and then the Islamic capital has so many people living in slums and men and women who sleep on cardboards in the streets and the vice-president intends to make the cardboard-sleeping women sterile and unproductive!”

“…The number of Child Labours has reached their highest levels during the history of Iran and are so numerous, and by the admission the authorities of Tehran’s municipality more than 90% of them are sexually assaulted; and the astronomical land speculation in Tehran’s municipality as if it is not a problem! Is there anything more Islamic (mullahs version and view of Islam) than this?”
“Mr. Khamenei! Anyone who wants to know Iran under your control, does not need to read books, but by reading four lines and looking at the rankings of Iran among the countries, they realize that the nation of Iran is suffering from so much darkness!”

“In law enforcement, our country is at the bottom of the table, and countries like Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden (which introduce you as a dictator in their textbooks) are above the law enforcement table, and everyone in those countries is enjoying the rule of law. Then, in a general address to your supporters, you command fire at will because of your failure in the presidential election, and explain that the fire at your discretion is when the commander is hit. What does that mean? That means do whatever you want and you can (against the opponents and against the rule of law). This means the failure of the system.”

“Freedom is beautiful and… I am sure that the Iranian people will soon achieve freedom and that is the day when the smallest, weakest and most deserted institution and entity is religion and especially the clergy (the mullahs), and I say it explicitly that the small amount of religion that will remain in the society comes from the exiles and… Including the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).”

Source: Translated from Facebook page of Mr. Hashem Khastar.

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