Senator Harry Reid, a Friend of Iranian People, Passes Away


The U.S. Democratic Senator Harry Reid passed away on Tuesday, December 28, 2021.

He was a distinguished lawmaker and, on many occasions, supported the Iranian people and their Resistance.

CNN reported that Senator Reid rose “from humble beginnings in Searchlight, Nevada, to become the most powerful politician in Nevada history, capping off his political career as the Democratic leader in the Senate, including eight years in the majority.”

The messages of condolences poured following Senator’s Reid’s passing on Tuesday.

The U.S. President Joe Biden issued a statement following Senator Reid’s death, calling him one of “the all-time great Senate Majority Leaders in our history.”

“He was my leader, my mentor, one of my dearest friends. He’s gone but he will walk by the sides of many of us in the Senate every single day,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer aid in a statement Tuesday evening.

“We will likely never see another public servant quite like him—in personality, command of strategy and tactics, and assuredness in marching to the beat of his own drum,” said former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

“Senator Harry Reid was a leader of immense courage and ferocious conviction who worked tirelessly to achieve historic progress for the American people,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

Senator Reid voiced his support of the Iranian people in their quest for having a democratic country.

Senator Reid sent a message to the Iranian Resistance’s annual “Free Iran Summit,” in July 2021, expressing his hope for the future of Iran.

“What we have going on in Iran today is not going to last forever. I look forward to the day when Iran has new leadership, become part of the civilized nations of the world,” he said.

The Senator had condemned the Iranian regime’s use of violence against people on numerous occasions.

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