Press Release: The Iranian Communities Organizing The Stockholm Demonstrations – No. 1

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As previously announced, marking the 33rd anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran, our Iranian compatriots are protesting in Stockholm today. The demonstration, permitted by the police, will be held in front of the parliament to protest against executions and massacres in Iran and the need for the international prosecution of the Iranian regime’s leaders for genocide and crimes against humanity.

While the Iranian compatriots’ demonstrations have always been held within the framework of the law and by observing all the rules and regulations to ensure that there would be no threats to anyone, the Iranian regime’s agents and mercenaries are spreading rumors and lies to disrupt the demonstration.

As it was mentioned in the tweets of the Security and Counter-Terrorism Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on August 16, we once again ask our compatriots to immediately report to the police any attempts at disturbance, the use of obscene language, and attempts to cause scuffles by the mercenaries and agents of the Iranian regime as soon as possible.

The representative of the NCRI is also available for clarification and necessary explanations in the following email:

Date: August 23, 2021

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