Saturday, July 27, 2024

HRW should accept the mistake that it has made and withdraw this dire report

Statement by Mr David Amess, MP The PMOI whose members and sympathisers have been the primary victims of the Iranian regime's barbarity over the...

A report that deflects attention from the crimes of the Iranian government

Malcolm Fowler International Human Rights Committee and Law Reform Board Law Socitey of England and Wales The content of the baseless and unsubstantiated allegations...

Iran smuggling graphite compound for nukes

By Louis Charbonneau VIENNA, May 20 (Reuters) - Iran has been using front companies to skirt international export controls and purchase a...

Exiled Iranian group denies torture claims

PARIS, May 19 (AFP) - An exiled Iranian opposition group Thursday denied charges by a leading human rights organisation that it had tortured dissident...

Human Rights Watch report on PMOI violates the right of defence

Press Release One-sided report of Human Rights Watch on the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran violates the right of defence, the most basic...

HRW report: A Reward for the Iranian Regime; A Penalty for the Iranian People

Human Rights Watch Report on the Iranian Opposition: A Reward for the Iranian Regime; A Penalty for the Iranian PeopleProf. Raymond Tanter of the...

Iran’s mullahs make a fool of Human Rights Watch

Press Release For immediate release 19 May, 2005 Commenting on a Human Rights Watch report on the Iranian resistance and the People’s Mojahedin...

Two years after June 17, 2003

An international seminar of legal experts and prominent political personalities entitled, "Two years after June 17, 2003, Justice for the National Council of Resistance...

Iranians Convention in Berlin for Democratic Change in Iran, Supporting Maryam Rajavi

Iranians from across Germany gathered in Berlin on May 9 in a Convention for Democratic Change in Iran, Supporting Maryam Rajavi. ...

Two years after June 17, 2003, Justice for the National Council of Resistance of...

An international seminar of legal experts and prominent political personalities entitled, "Two years after June 17, 2003, Justice for the National Council of Resistance...