World powers to meet Wednesday on Iran regime’s nuclear program

NCRI – The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia as well as Germany will meet on Wednesday in the Chinese city of Shanghai to discuss Iranian regime’s nuclear program.

The Security Council has imposed three rounds of sanctions on Iranian regime for defying council demand to suspend its uranium enrichment program, which could be used to produce nuclear weapons.

Last Tuesday, Ahmadinejad, Iran regime’s president once again defied U.N. resolutions by announcing the start of a major expansion of uranium enrichment capacity.

On April 10, he said, “the resolutions which are adopted” by the UN Security Council are “scraps of paper,” the state-run Fars news agency reported on April 10.

He said in his speech in northeastern city of Mashhad that mullahs’ regime "will not give up until the corrupt leadership in the world has been obliterated."

On the same day, Gregory L. Schulte, the U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, told reporters in London that six nations seeking to persuade Iranian regime to halt part of its nuclear program should not sweeten their offer to Tehran during their talks.

Schulte said proposals to improve a package of penalties and incentives first offered to Iran in 2006 would likely be discussed. The package that was rejected by Iranian regime, calls for Tehran to suspend uranium enrichment in return for receiving major help in developing civilian nuclear power.

Schulte said the U.S. has detected a recent hardening of Iran regime's tone over the nuclear program. "We are a little worried that they are hardening their line in a way that isn't good for the people of Iran," he said.

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