West must stop Iran supporting terrorists and abusing human rights under nuclear deal, Congressman demands


Iran must stop supporting terrorists and end human rights abuses under any deal with the West aimed at preventing it acquiring a nuclear bomb, a US Congressman has demanded.

Congressman Steve Stivers said he had ‘serious concerns’ about whether the regime could be trusts to fulfil its responsibilities under any agreement – and that Congress should have a role in approving any deal.

He said: “I believe the United States needs to do everything we can to prevent a nuclear Iran and should consider all options necessary to meet that goal.

“The Administration has recently been involved in negotiations to stop Iran from creating nuclear weapons. Last month a framework agreement was reached that would lift the economic sanctions on Iran if they reduced their nuclear program.

“Unfortunately, Iran now insists that the sanctions be lifted as soon as the deal is made final, while the Administration wants the sanctions lifted gradually after the nuclear program has been reduced and verified. The self-imposed deadline to reach a final agreement is at the end of June.”

Mr Stivers added: “I have serious concerns about whether this tyrannical regime can be entrusted to fulfil its responsibilities under any agreement.

“Before sanctions relief can be considered, Iran must stop supporting terrorist organizations, eliminate its nuclear program and end its long history of human rights abuses. I also believe that since Congress put the sanctions in place, Congress should have a role in approving the deal.

“That is why I voted last week to require Congressional review of any final nuclear agreement with Iran before the President can waive or suspend sanctions previously imposed by Congress.”


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