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US warns Iran regime on nuclear fuel research resumption

State Department spokesman Sean McCormackNCRI – The United States warned Iranian regime on Tuesday that it would seek international action against Iran if it resumes nuclear fuel research.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack accused the regime of doing a "bob and weave" in negotiations to persuade them to halt uranium-enrichment activities that could lead to a nuclear bomb.
"Our view is that if Iran takes a further enrichment-related steps, the international community will have to consider additional measures to constrain Iran’s nuclear ambitions," McCormack told reporters.
He made his remarks after Iran announced it would resume nuclear fuel research after a suspension of more than two years, prompting the UN atomic watchdog to warn Tehran to maintain a freeze on such sensitive work.
US officials had previously drawn a red line at Iran producing enriched uranium that could be used in a bomb. But McCormack said Tehran’s general evasiveness on the issue made it necessary to ban research as well.
"Trying to draw a line around something being pure research with respect to enrichment activities is not something that we’re going to buy, and I don’t think the international community will either," he said.
McCormack would not say what new measures the Americans might seek but suggested the showdown was coming to a head. "Frankly, the patience of the international community is not infinite on this issue because it’s a serious issue," he said.