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US-Russia cooperation can curb Iranian regime nuclear ambitions: Senators

NCRI – The US will “continue to pursue international support for steps that could prevent Iran’s nuclear program from producing a nuclear weapon,” Senator Richard Lugar said on Thursday during a formal debate on the Senate floor about the START Treaty (New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty).

“A rejection of New START would be greeted with delight in Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Burma. These nations want to shield their weapons programs from outside scrutiny and they want to be able to acquire sensitive weapons technologies,” Senator Lugar said, according to his official website.

The Ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee added, “Rogue nations fear any nuclear cooperation between the United States and Russia because they know that it limits their options. They want to call into question our own non-proliferation credentials, and they want Russia to resist tough economic measures against them.”

Senator John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also highlighted the significance of US-Russia relations, saying that the ratification of the treaty would have a serious impact on increasing the ability of the US to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons by the Iranian regime, among others.

He added that in the seven months following the signing of the new treaty by the presidents of the US and Russia, Russia has cooperated with the US and has even suspended the sale of S-300 missiles to the Iranian regime.

This move coupled with Moscow’s support for increased sanctions against the Iranian regime are significant measures, he said.