US Admiral Mullen: Iran regime’s nuclear bomb would be “calamitous”

NCRI – Admiral Mike Mullen, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff said Thursday the consequences of Iran regime acquiring a nuclear weapon would be "calamitous" and major powers must act together to prevent it, Reuters reported.

Admiral Mike Mullen's remarks came a day after Iran regime test-launched "Sejil 2" (Sijil 2) missile which could carry nuclear warhead as the part of the clerical regime's drive to obtain nuclear weapons.

Mullen told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "I'm one who believes that Iran getting a nuclear weapon is calamitous for the region and for the world."

"Major leaders, internationally, have got to come together to arrest this growth or the long-term downside for the people in the world is really, really tragic and drastic," Mullen said.

On Thursday the National Council of Resistance of Iran said that according to information obtained by the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from inside of Iran, the "Sejil 2" (Sijil 2) Missile could carry nuclear warhead.

“The range of this missile is more than Shahab3 and is 2,500 Kilometers. Some of the European countries are within the range of this missile. In order to prevent international rebuke and intensification of sanctions against the clerical regime, it refrains from announcing the true range of this missile,” NCRI’s statement said.

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