UNSC calls on Iranian regime to resume talks with six powers

NCRI – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon urged Iranian regime on Wednesday to resume talks with the six power over its nuclear program. "All member states of international community have deep concern on the nuclear development program," he said during a press conference in New York.

"The Iranian authorities, according to the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency], have not been able to verify the true nature and scope of their nuclear development program, that it is genuinely for peaceful purposes. That should be verified and proven by international community, and the burden is on them," Ban Ki-Moon said.

"Iranians should return to negotiations with the EU 3 + 3 and IAEA has made a good proposal and EU 3 + 3 also, their proposal is now something which needs to be given serious consideration by the Iranian authorities. I again urge that this issue should be resolved peacefully, through dialogue, as soon as possible," he added.

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