U.N: Tougher on Iran? – Nuclear News

CNN, March 21, New York

Brianna: The United Nations already punishing Iran over its nuclear program may get tougher and maybe as soon as this week. Let’s go to now, senior UN correspondent, Richard Roth. Richard what do you have for us?

Richard Roth: Well, there were loud voices, heavy debate and some screaming, but it wasn’t inside the U.N. It was a couple of blocks away from here, away from U.N headquarters, a demonstration by Iranian’s who live here in America, who are upset with President Ahmadinejad. They are not upset with the French ambassador, who that’s what you are seeing initially there.

These protesters are saying that the president of Iran is a terrorist, its spreading terrorism. They say he should not be given the right to speak at the Security Council, which is the plan when the Security Council adopts a plan to imposing more limited sanctions on the Iranian government. They say Iran should not have the nuclear bomb. That is indeed what the Iranian regime and Ahmadinejad wants. And they are about 150-200 of them outside, Brianna.

Brianna: Did we see this last time when he (Ahmadinejad) came to speak at the opening sessions? Was this similar?

Richard Roth: Yes we saw this last time with a bigger crowd and we are going to see it again when he arrives here presumably in a few days when the Security Council may finally vote on this resolution.

Brianna: All right, Richard Roth, our senior U.N correspondent. Thanks so much.

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