UN shift raises hopes of Iran sanctions

Western hopes of imposing tough new sanctions on Iran have been boosted by a dramatic change of approach by UN weapons inspectors

Vienna (AP) – American and British diplomats believe a report due to be published next week will give them enough evidence to persuade the world Tehran is building a nuclear weapon.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) document is expected to take a far more aggressive approach to the country's violations of restrictions on its nuclear programme than previous reports.

"The report is more clinical, direct and sharper in tone," said one Western diplomat. "The Iranians are acting in a stark fashion and accelerating the provocation they present to the world. The IAEA inspectors are very concerned they are not getting the answers to the questions they are presenting."

Praise for the tougher tone has been lavished on Yukiya Amano, the new Japanese head of the agency, who replaced the long serving IAEA leader Mohammed El Baradei in December.

Critics of Mr Baradei complained the Egyptian lawyer had an "Iraq WMD rule" that nothing in the IAEA reports could be used as a pretext for a military attack.

Mr Baradei fought bitterly against America's assertions that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to war and was openly contemptuous of President George W Bush.

David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary used a meeting with Mr Amano at the Foreign Office last week to press the case for tougher sanctions.

He said: "What we in the international community need to do now is keep up the pressure: to show Iran that these actions will come at a cost."

The change in the UN inspectors' stance is said to have buoyed employees who now feel able to speak freely.

"There is a feeling that things can finally be said," said one official close to the agency. "I don't think there is a person in the team who doesn't believe that Iran is attempting to build a nuclear bomb but for years it was forbidden to say it. Every word was a fight."

Mr Amano's open style, which extends to recognising junior employees in the canteen, has enabled department heads to assert the findings of the inspectors without fear of a backlash.

The final straw for the nuclear inspectors was Iran's decision in early February to produce concentrated nuclear fuel at only a few hours notice.

Iran has already condemned the report as "unbalanced" after leaks suggested it would directly accuse them of building a bomb for the first time.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's ambassador, gave vent to rare display of displeasure with the agency in a private meeting, accusing the weapons inspectors of surrendering to the West.

"Normally the Iranians don't give much away in the emotions department but Soltanieh was really wound up," said a diplomat.

Although Russia declared it would not support sanctions that "crippled" Iran there has been a marked shift in its position.

Negotiators now believe that Russia will back tough measures that restrict Iran's ability to import advanced technology and the regime's access to the global banking system.

"They thought that they were in the right place with the Russians, all of a sudden they find that they're not," said a Western Iranian expert.

The UN Security Council is expected to vote on a third round on international sanctions against Iran before the end of March.

Chinese opposition torpedoed American demands for an investment ban in Iran's oil industry and severe restrictions on its imports. But China is expected to allow targeted sanctions to pass if Russia supports the resolution.

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