UN Security Council could quickly agree new Iran resolution: France

Agence France Presse – The permanent members of the UN Security Council could soon agree a new resolution ordering sanctions against Iran’s nuclear programme, French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said Tuesday.

Douste-Blazy said a quick new resolution was "highly likely".

The United States and many of its western allies accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon. Tehran denies the charge.

But the French minister said "there must be a second resolution" after an International Atomic Energy Agency report said Iran was "very, very far" from conforming with a Security Council resolution that gave it until last week to halt uranium enrichment.

Douste-Blazy expressed confidence that following a meeting Monday of six world powers in London on the Iran dispute agreement on a resolution could be achieved.

"It is highly likely that we can quickly agree together — the Russians, the Chinese, the Americans, the British and the French — on a second resolution with economic sanctions," the minister said in an interview with LCI television.

Iran is already the target of limited sanctions.

Senior officials from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany met in London on Monday to consider new moves against Iran.

The six are to hold new talks on Thursday.


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