UN powers urged to refer Iran nuclear file to Security Council

Iranians rally in LondonNCRI – As the United States and the European Union met with Russian and Chinese to adopt diplomatic steps to curb Iranian regime’s nuclear program on Monday, a large group of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance staged a rally before the Foreign Office building in London.

Protesters called for immediate referral of the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council for adoption of sanctions against the regime.

The rally also called for an end to the policy of appeasement which has emboldened the ruling dictatorship in Iran to ignore international concerns and go ahead with its nuclear program.

An Iranian women who had recently fled the country told reporters that the regime in Iran has benefited from talks with the EU to build its nuclear weapon. "In the past two years the mullahs have not given any concession to the West and continued with their secret nuclear program. The non-conciliatory position of the regime makes it quite clear to everyone that the mullahs are not going to give up their plan to acquire nuclear weapon and negotiations only provide them with time to complete their project," said Sahar, a journalist from Tehran and a women’s rights activist.

A delegation representing the protesters submitted a letter to the Foreign Office conveying the demands of the participants.

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