UN nuclear test ban chief tells Iran regime to ratify pact

 Lassina Zerbo, head of the UN’s Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, urges Iran’s regime to ratify nuclear test ban pact

NCRI – The head of the United Nation’s nuclear test ban treaty organization challenged the Iranian regime on Tuesday to ratify the treaty as quickly as possible to prove that it is serious about not wanting to develop atomic arms.

While Iranian ratification of the test ban treaty is not part of that agreement, Lassina Zerbo told The Associated Press that it would add weight to the regime’s insistence that it is not interested in such weapons.

“The CTBT bans nuclear explosions anywhere, and that’s already an assurance they could give to the international community that they are not in that process,” said Zerbo, who heads the UN’s Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization.

Of the CTBTO’s 196 member states, 183 have signed the treaty and 164 have ratified it. But it still needs ratification of eight more of the countries involved in originally negotiating it for it to enter into force.

The P5+1 states – Britain, China, France, Russia, the US and Germany – hope to strike a deal with the Iranian regime by June 30 that would curtail Tehran’s nuclear effort in exchange for sanctions relief.

The Iranian regime’s Majlis (parliament) on Sunday voted to ban international nuclear inspectors from having access to Iran’s military sites and scientists as part of any future deal with world powers over its nuclear program.

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