UK lawmakers urge P5+1 to step up pressure on Iran regime in nuke talks

Britain’s MPs agree with Iran opposition leader Maryam Rajavi that Iranian military sites must be inspected

Members of the United Kingdom’s Houses of Parliament on Monday urged the P5+1 countries that are negotiating an agreement with the Iranian regime over its nuclear program to insist that there must be international inspections of Iran’s military sites.

“Without unfettered access for IAEA inspectors to Iran’s military sites and nuclear scientists, any nuclear agreement between the P5+1 and Tehran would be meaningless,” the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom (BPCIF) said in a statement on its website.

With only a day left until the 30 June deadline for an international agreement that would curb the regime’s nuclear activities in return for the lifting of international sanctions, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has thus far ruled out freezing sensitive nuclear work and allowing UN Nuclear Agency monitors to access Iran’s military sites and nuclear scientists.

“A nuclear-armed fundamentalist regime in Iran, which remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and engaged in politically motivated violence and repression at home, would continue to be a major threat to world peace and security,” the cross-Party committee said.

“The Tehran regime came to the negotiation table from a position of weakness, as a result of crippling international sanctions. Repeated concessions by the P5+1, in particular by the U.S., have emboldened Tehran to demand more.”

“Iran’s democratic Parliament-in-exile, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on Thursday published a detailed report showing that Iran has stipulated that there will be no access to military sites or nuclear scientists for the inspectors and no stopping of Research and Development (R&D) in the nuclear field,” the UK lawmakers said.

The BPCIF said it “agrees with Iranian opposition leader Mrs Maryam Rajavi who told a major Iran Freedom rally in Paris on 13 June that in order to halt Tehran’s drive to obtain nuclear weapons, the UN Security Council resolutions must be fully implemented, uranium enrichment must be halted completely and all suspect sites, military or otherwise, must be inspected. In addition, the regime must also provide answers to the military dimensions of its nuclear project and make its nuclear experts available for IAEA questioning.”

“In the interest of world peace and security, the P5+1 must end the concessions to the mullahs and hold them to account before signing any final agreement with Tehran.”

Early Day Motion 342 (IRAN AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS) signed last year by more than 100 MPs from the House of Commons reiterated a similar position and warned that Tehran is engaging in deceptive tactics to find a way out of its nuclear impasse.

The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, chaired jointly by Lord Carlile of Berriew QC CBE and Sir David Amess MP, has extensive cross-party support in both Houses of Parliament.


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