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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsU.S. Secretary Kerry's remarks angers Iranian regime

U.S. Secretary Kerry’s remarks angers Iranian regime

Reacting to the Thursdays’ remarks by the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, on military option being on the table in case the Iranian regime fails to abide by the commitments made under the Geneva nuclear deal, the regime’s Foreign Minister described the comments strong reaction by the Iranian regime.

Secretary Kerry had stressed that If the Iranian regime does not implement the commitments it made with Western powers as part of the deal, “the military option of the United States is ready and prepared to do what it would have to do.”

“It wouldn’t be a wise choice for Iran. We are convinced that we are on the right track because clearly the world would rather see us settle this peaceful rather than have a military confrontation,” he said.

Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry said that US Secretary of State John Kerry’s remarks ‘are clear breach of the international law’.

Ali Khamenei Representative in the IRGC Yadollah Javani told FNA on Sunday made terrorist threats and said that in case of an attack the Iranian regime: “will destroy all the US bases in the region.”

Gholam-Ali Haddad Adel, a close aide to Ali Khamenei said that “Washington is only attempting to save its declining power and damaged prestige through such empty threats.”
“By presenting unilateral and contradictory reports of the Geneva negotiations, the Americans want to show that the Geneva talks have been a victory in the realm of their (foreign) policy,” he said on Sunday.

In the deal with the United States, France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia, the Iranian regime has agreed to suspend its most sensitive nuclear activity in exchange for a limited easing of sanctions that are battering its oil-dependent economy.