U.S. blacklists more companies helping Iranian regime evade sanctions


The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday imposed economic penalties on six people and three companies accused of helping the Iranian regime obtain hundreds of millions in U.S. currency or evade existing sanctions.

“Although we do not support the imposition of any new nuclear-related sanctions while negotiations are ongoing, throughout the JPOA period we have made clear, by word and deed, that we will continue to enforce our existing sanctions,” said David Cohen, undersecretary of Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence, in a statement.

Those accused of helping Iran convert various currencies into hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars include Iranians, citizens of Afghanistan and St. Kitts and Nevis and a Dubai-based trading company.

Douran Software Technologies in Iran is also targeted for helping the regime’s censorship activities. Another tech firm, Abyssec, is blamed for supporting the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard corps in cyber tradecraft.

Tuesday’s sanctions designations are the latest move by Treasury as group of 5+1 countries are negotiating with the Iranian regime over its nuclear program.

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