U.N. nuclear chief pressures Iranian regime on bomb concerns

The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog sought to put pressure on the Iranian regime on Monday to address concerns about its atomic bomb research, three weeks after Tehran failed to meet a deadline for providing information about the issue.

Director General Yukiya Amano said that the Iranian regime had not carried out two of the five transparency steps it had agreed to implement by Aug. 25.

“In order to resolve all outstanding issues, past and present, it is very important that Iran continues to implement, in a timely manner, all practical measures agreed … ,” he told the 35-nation board of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday.

The phrase “past and present” refers to the IAEA’s long-running investigation into the regime activities on designing a nuclear weapon.

Amano’s remarks confirms the findings of a confidential report by the UN atomic agency earlier this month.

The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Iranian regime’s nuclear program said that the latest effort to investigate the secret work on atomic arms by the Iranian regime has failed to make headway.

The Iranian regime had agreed in February to cooperate in restarting the investigation by the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency, after a decade of deadlock.

Since then, the U.N. agency has sought information on experiments with detonators that can be used to set off nuclear explosions; separate work on high-explosive charges used in nuclear blasts, and studies on calculating nuclear explosive yields.

The confidential IAEA report, issued on September 5, made clear that there has been little progress.

The Iranian regime had only provided information on the detonators, insisting that they were used only for oil exploration.

While such applications are possible, the agency says that its body of interconnected information suggests that they were being tested for nuclear weapons use.


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