U.N. nuclear agency and Iranian regime may meet in August: diplomats



NCRI – The U.N. atomic agency and the Iranian regime may hold a new round of nuclear talks in August, diplomats said on Monday.

A diplomat in Vienna , where the International Atomic Energy Agency is based, has told Reuters he believed the aim was for an IAEA-Iran meeting in mid-August but that no decision had yet been taken.

“I think that no meeting in August would be a bad sign,” another Western envoy said.

That would be shortly before the IAEA issues its next, quarterly report on the Iranian regime’s nuclear program in late August and ahead of a week-long session of the U.N. agency’s 35-nation governing board in September.

The IAEA, in an e-mailed response to a question by Reuters, said it had no news to report about any future discussions with the Iranian regime. They last met in May in Vienna, without achieving a breakthrough.


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