Iraqi TV: Iran opposition official calls for firm policy against regime


NCRI – Iraqi television station Al-Tagheer on Wednesday aired remarks made by Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on the ongoing international negotiations aimed at reaching an agreement to curb the Iranian regime’s nuclear program in return for the lifting of sanctions.

The following is an English translation of the report:

Mohammad Mohaddessin: US must adopt a stronger position toward Iranian regime

Source: Al-Tagheer Television
Date: July 1, 2015

Anchor: Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has said Tehran agreed to come to the negotiating table out of fear of another public uprising in Iran. He reiterated that the Iranian regime must agree to all the conditions before a nuclear agreement is reached to lift sanctions.

Mohammad Mohaddessin: Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the regime, has agreed with the talks as a result of his fear of another massive public uprising. The Iranian regime needs nuclear weapons to stay in power. Khamenei is trying to keep his regime’s nuclear infrastructure intact.

In any final agreement all pathways of the Iranian regime to a nuclear bomb must be closed. This agreement should have five key elements: Ratification and implementation of the Additional Protocol Plus, unconditional and immediate access to all sites and nuclear scientists, disclosure of previous PMD activity, full cooperation with IAEA investigators and immediate removal of all enriched uranium from Iran. Without these five criteria being met, the lifting of sanctions would be irrelevant.

Anchor: Mohaddessin also urged the US to adopt a firm policy against the Iranian regime, saying that the people of Iran and the region are suffering from Tehran’s aggressions and support for terrorism in the region.

Mohammad Mohaddessin: The regime’s supreme leader is using the weak and vague policy of Western nations and in particular the US to gain greater concessions. Tehran is all the while continuing its nuclear weapons projects.

No one can get rid of the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program without addressing two other issues: its export of terrorism and fundamentalism and domestic suppression. Therefore, a firm policy towards the Iranian regime is needed.

The countries in the region are not involved in the nuclear negotiations; nevertheless, they can play an important role in pressing the West and in particular the US to adopt a firm policy towards the Iranian regime. The people of Iran and the region are suffering from the regime’s aggressions and support for terrorism in the region.

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