The Escalation of Internal Conflicts Within Iran’s Regime Over the Nuclear Deal


NCRI – Expressing concern over the split and internal predicament at the top of regime, after the death of Rafsanjani and squibbing against him, Khamenei’s Friday prayer leader in Tehran, Mullah Seddiqui, attacked Rohani’s government for the failure of Nuclear Deal and stated:

“Our people have every right to say Down with USA, since those, who by expressing optimism, were trying to makeup America’s face, and promised that, because of Nuclear Deal all the country’s economic problems are to be solved, caused more economic recession, more shut – down manufacture centers, more youth unemployment, and more sanctions over the previous ones while the sanctions were supposed to be lifted in one year.

Mullah Alam al-Hoda, the Friday prayer leader and representative of Khamenei in Mashhad, also said: “The Nuclear Deal and the policy of Engagement were catastrophic and have raised laughter and humiliation against us among foreign politicians.

The policy of evolving the Engagement in this country is, not only a failed policy, a policy that if, God forbid, continues, the nation will go bankrupt, and will destroy the regime and the revolution, this process of Engagement and Negotiation with Imperialism is throwaway.

Aiming Obama, Mullah Alam al-Hoda further continued: “Couldn’t he be more devilish than that? When this man, while leaving the government suggests the next administration, be tough on Iran as much as possible.

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