Sham Resolution of Iran Regime Parliament to Confront the US Congressional Resolution


NCRI – On 13 August 2017, the Iranian regime’s parliament in a panic and dramatic reaction show, adopted a new plan to confront the US sanctions against the regime.

The measure, on the one hand, reveals the fear and vulnerability of the religious fascism ruling Iran to the new U.S. sanctions, in particular the imposition of anti-terrorist sanctions against the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), and on the other hand, shows that all the gangs of this regime have a common interest both in suppression and violation of human rights as well as in export of terrorism and warmongering in the region and are unable to get away from it.

The bill, called the “counteraction to U.S. adventurous and terrorist acts in the region,” came after a bill to introduce new sanctions against the mullahs regime for violations of human rights, missile and terrorist projects, and imposition of anti-terrorist sanctions against the IRGC were approved by the US House of Representatives and the Senate and subsequently signed by the United States President and became law.

The regime’s resolution states that the plan is aimed at countering sanctions that “directly threaten the security interests of the regime and its regional and trans-regional allies.”

The plan shows the regime’s panic regarding the growing international acceptance of the Mojahedin and Iranian Resistance and support for the policy of regime change in Iran. It refers to what it calls “the assessment of U.S. backing and financial, weapons and intelligence support for the violent and terrorist groups in the Middle East” and foolishly calls for the boycott (sanctions) of American individuals who directly or indirectly support the PMOI.

In the event of the final approval, the resolution bounds the government of Hassan Rouhani to pay $10,000 billion to expand missile activities, $10,000 billion to the terrorist Quds Force to intensify its terrorist interventions in the region and ten thousand billion Rials to the Intelligence, Defense and Foreign Ministries to counter the new U.S. law.

The Iranian regime’s parliamentary resolution once again reveals the fact that the regime’s survival depends entirely on the suppression and export of terrorism, and every blow to these two pillars of the regime brings them a serious step closer to their overthrow.

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