Senior US official to visit Turkey, UAE, to discuss sanction on Iranian regime

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has announced that Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen will travel to Turkey and the United Arab Emirates regarding the implementation of sanctions against the Iranian regime.

“Cohen is traveling to Turkey and the UAE this week to discuss the implementation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA) agreed to by the P5+1, the European Union and Iran.

Undersecretary Cohen will discuss the limited and temporary sanctions relief provided under the JPOA and continued enforcement of existing international economic sanctions against Iran” the U.S. Department of the Treasury said in a statement.

On Friday, the New York Times reported that “the Obama administration has intensified efforts to counter what U.S. officials called a misimpression that the six-month nuclear agreement with Iran had opened the door to new economic opportunities with the country, emphasizing that nearly all sanctions remained in force and warning businesses not to engage in any deals still pending after the accord’s July 20 expiration.”

“The administration has also warned that the six-month duration of the nuclear agreement means that any companies undertaking business with Iran within that time frame should make sure they are paid before the agreement expires.”

The New York Times quoted David S. Cohen as saying: “Our message to all of these companies is the same: Iran is not open for business” “There is a vast network of complicated sanctions that remain in place. Iran’s banking sector is still largely off limits, and now is not the time to re-engage with Iran. That day may come, but it’s not today.”

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