Senators urge Clinton to impose more sanctions on the regime

NCRI – A bipartisan group of 10 senators wrote to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday to demand more firm sanctions and greater political pressure against the clerical regime, according to The Cable.

The senators, led by Jon Kyl (R-KY) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), wrote, “The most recent International Atomic Energy Agency report on Iran’s ongoing weaponization activities makes clear that we must decisively utilize tougher economic, political, and diplomatic measures in the limited time we may have left to thwart Iran’s efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them.”

The senators told Secretary Clinton, “We want to assure you of broad, bipartisan support in Congress for use of the full measure of U.S. economic, diplomatic, and political power to thwart Iranian nuclear ambitions.

The letter was signed by Sens. Jon Kyl, Robert Menendez, Kristen Gillibrand, Jerry Moran, Robert Casey, Jr., Roy Blunt, Lindsey Graham, Bill Nelson, Benjamin Cardin, and Marco Rubio.

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