Senator Rubio: U.S. should walk away from Iran talks


U.S. Senator Marco Rubio is calling on President Obama to walk away from negotiations with the Iranian regime, after the deadline to reach a long-term deal was extended until next week.

Rubio, who is running for president, said in a statement. “If the president were serious about negotiating a deal that advances our security and protects our allies, such as Israel, he would walk away from the table and impose new sanctions on Iran until the regime comes to the table ready to negotiate seriously.”

Senator Rubio added that, even without a finalized deal he knows the agreement “is not in the interests of the United States.”

President Obama pledged on Tuesday, pledging to “walk away from the negotiations if, in fact, it is a bad deal.”

Also, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday urged Obama administration to pause the talks, adding that “entering into a bad agreement with Iran now would only make those problems worse.”

Sen. Mark Kirk said on Tuesday that the administration “should have the courage to walk away from a bad nuclear deal” if it doesn’t meet “minimum standards.”
Kirk said those standards include Iran disclosing any nuclear weapons activities, destroying its nuclear program and allowing for anytime inspections of its facilities, including military sites.

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