Senator McConnell: No sanction should be removed until Iranian regime reveals all military aspects of its nuclear program


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Monday slammed the framework agreement the Obama administration and 5+1 countries reached with Iranian regime last week to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, asserting that it takes pressure off a bad actor in the Middle East.

Senator McConnell said the Senate will begin its response to the deal next Tuesday when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee takes up a bill that would require Obama to submit the agreement for a 60-day congressional review.

“The administration needs to explain to the Congress and the American people why an interim agreement should result in reduced pressure on the world’s leading state sponsor of terror,” McConnell, said in a statement.

“In initially reviewing the parameters of the interim agreement, several things are obvious: Iran will continue to enrich uranium and retain more than 6,000 centrifuges, and continue the research and development of more advanced centrifuges,” he said.

“Under no terms should the administration suspend sanctions, nor should the United Nations remove sanctions until the Iranians reveal all aspects of the Possible Military Dimensions of its previous research.” McConnell said.

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