Sanctions reportedly under consideration against Iran

Agence France Presse – The six major powers dealing with the Iranian nuclear standoff have drawn up a list of sanctions designed to gradually build pressure on the regime in Tehran until it agrees to suspend its uranium enrichment program.

The six — Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States — have not yet publicly revealed the specific measures to be considered beginning later this week at the United Nations in New York.

But in a document handed to Tehran in June and since leaked to the press, the six listed 15 punitive measures Iran could face if it persisted with its enrichment activities, as well as a series of rewards the Islamic Republic would reap if it abandoned the program.

The punishment would begin with sanctions targetting military programs, and if these fail, would be ratcheted up to include broader political and economic sanctions.

As reported, the 15 measures to be imposed under Chapter VII Article 41 of the UN Charter, were:

Measures targetting Iran’s nuclear and missile programs:

— an embargo on the export of goods and technologies linked to the programs
— a freeze on assets and a ban on financial transactions by individuals or organizations involved in the programs
— travel and visa bans on individuals related to the programs
— suspension of technical cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IEAE)
— ban on investment in entities engaged in the programs
— ban on Iranians studying abroad in fields related to nuclear and missile development

Political and economic measures

— reduction or freeze in bilateral contacts
— visa/travel ban on selected high-ranking officials and personalities
— freeze on assets of individuals and organizations connected to or close to the regime
— an arms embargo
— embargo on exports of special products such as oil and gas products
— end to support for Iran’s membership application to the World Trade Organization
— prohibition on cooperation and investment in certain sectors.
— general freeze on assets of Iranian financial institutions
— a reduction in government support for trade and export credit insurance to Iran.


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