Russians Show No Intention of Nuclear Cooperation

NCRI – State-run news agency Fars – April 5,reported , A member of the Energy Committee of the mullahs’ parliament disclosed that subsequent to removing fuel from the Bushehr nuclear facilities, its operation is now delayed for another year.

Speaking at the Energy Committee of the mullahs Majlis, Hamid Reza Katouzian said: “It is expected to discuss the reason for removal of fuel from Bushehr nuclear facilities in this session of the committee since…removal of fuel from the nuclear plant at Bushehr delays operation of the plant for another year and we will be back to where we started.”

Katouzian added: “It seems that what the Russians are doing for making the Bushehr nuclear facilities ready is not much of cooperation with Iran…It seems that no intention of cooperation in Iran is found in the Russians for making the Bushehr facilities operational.

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