Russia Urges Iran to Heed International Opinion on Nukes – Russia has called on Iran to heed the opinion of the international community on its nuclear program, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s report is quoted by Interfax news agency.

“We voted for the UN Security Council resolution supporting International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) efforts to settle the situation surrounding the Iranian nuclear program. In our opinion, it permits the continuation of efforts to resolve the problem by political and diplomatic means,” the report reads.

“It is important that the UN resolution envisages the six-nation (Britain, Germany, China, Russia, the U.S., and France) proposals aimed at reaching long-term agreement with Iran”, the statement says.

The settlement of all the problems based on the package agreement’s proposals is in the interest of Tehran, the Russian Foreign Ministry suggests.

Meanwhile, the UNSC resolution envisages the imposition of economic sanctions if Iran does not halt its uranium enrichment program, which it claims is peaceful, by the end of the month.

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