Rouhani’s UN speech: The gulf between words and deeds

New York – Hassn Rouhani, the president of the clerical regime in Iran, who was also one of the decision makers for the September1 massacre of Iranian dissidents in Camp Ashraf, on Tuesday, September 24th, proposed in the United Nations General Assembly for “the global plan against violence and extremism to be placed in the UN’s agenda.”

In his speech at the 68th annual UN General Assembly, Rouhani expressed the main policies of the mullahs’ regime with moderate phrases:
– “Islamic Republic of Iran is a regional power.”

– “Accepting Iran’s natural, legal and sovereign right, as ordered by the wise leader of the Islamic revolution, is the simplest solution for the nuclear dossier.”
– The only path to prove the peaceful nature of the Iranian regime’s nuclear program is to “accept the right to enrichment and other nuclear rights on Iran’s soil”.
– “Nuclear technology, including enrichment, has reached a mass production stage. The thought that by preventing Iran’s nuclear program through enforcing illegal pressure can guarantee its peaceful nature is factitious and completely unrealistic.”

– The mullahs’ regime “has always been a harbinger of just peace and all-out security.”
Following this speech, the Chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee issued a statement and said:
“We don’t need words from Rouhani; we need real action from Tehran. The regime’s commitment to negotiations shouldn’t be measured by rhetoric, but by the nuclear activities it ceases.”


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