Ros-Lehtinen: P5+1 should implement tougher sanctions if Iran does not give up its nuclear weapon pursuit


U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chairman of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, called on six world powers negotiating with the Iranian regime to curb its nuclear program, to have the courage to  walk away from the negotiations and work with the U.S. on implementing even tougher sanctions, if  the Iranian regime continues to stall and balk on its enrichment program.

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen said: “As the P5+1 representatives meet today in Vienna to discuss the looming deadline for the Iran nuclear negotiations, it is imperative that they recognize that a Republican controlled Congress will not accept a weak deal that threatens U.S. national security interests.”

“As the author of the toughest set of Iran sanctions currently codified into U.S. law, my objective has always been, and will continue to be, Iran’s complete cessation of uranium enrichment and the dismantlement of its nuclear weapons program infrastructure, and that includes its ballistic missile program.”

“If Iran continues to stall and balk on its enrichment program, the P5+1 needs to recognize Iran isn’t serious about giving up its nuclear weapons pursuit and should have the courage to walk away from the negotiations and work with the U.S. on implementing even tougher sanctions that will ultimately compel the regime to abandon its pursuit of the bomb.”

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