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Report: Iran regime threatened ‘harm’ to top nuke inspector

Yukiya Amano

Leaders of the regime in Iran prevented a top International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) official from disclosing to U.S. officials the nature of secret side deals with the Tehran by threatening harm to him, The Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday.

Yukiya Amano, IAEA director general, purportedly remained silent about the nature of certain side deals during briefings with top U.S. officials because he feared such disclosures would lead to retaliation by the regime in Iran, according to the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).

Mr. Amano was in Washington recently to brief members of Congress and others about the recently inked nuclear accord. However, he did not discuss the nature of side deals with Tehran that the United States is not permitted to know about.

The Iranian regime apparently threatened Amano in a letter meant to ensure he did not reveal specific information about the nature of nuclear inspections going forward, according to the AEOI’s spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi.

“This disclosure has only boosted suspicions among some that the Iranians are willing and able to intimidate the top nuclear watchdog and potentially undermine the verification regime that Obama administration officials have dubbed a key component of the nuclear accord,” The Washington Free Beacon wrote.

“In a letter to Yukiya Amano, we underlined that if the secrets of the agreement (roadmap between Iran and the IAEA) are revealed, we will lose our trust in the Agency; and despite the US Congress’s pressures, he didn’t give any information to them,” Kamalvandi was quoted as saying Monday during a meeting with the Iranian regime’s lawmakers, according to Tehran’s state-controlled Fars News Agency.

“Had he done so, he himself would have been harmed,” Kamalvandi added.

Tehran said in recent weeks that the United States is banned from knowing the details of its nuclear inspections agreement with the IAEA, a disclosure that prompted anger in many circles on Capitol Hill.

“Iran also has gained additional leverage over the IAEA by refusing to sign a document known as the Additional Protocol, which forces Iran to disclose certain details of its nuclear program to the IAEA so that it can confirm that Tehran is not operating a clandestine weapons program,” the Washington Free Beacon said.

Even supporters of the deal have noted that this gives Iran greater “leverage” over the IAEA going forward.

One source close to the Iran fight on Capitol Hill explained that Iran’s refusal to sign the document gives it up to eight more years to threaten the IAEA.

“The IAEA desperately wanted the Iranians to ratify the Additional Protocol as part of the deal to lock them into formal obligations that would actually be permanent,” the source explained to The Washington Free Beacon. “The Obama administration failed to win the concessions, and instead Iran got to promise to ascend eight years from now.”

“So for the next eight years the Iranians get to hold the threat over the IAEA: Don’t push your luck or we’ll refuse to accede in eight years,” the source said.

Meanwhile, officials of the Iranian regime disclosed on Monday that any nuclear inspector entering Iran on behalf of the IAEA would first have to be screened by the regime’s Intelligence Ministry.

Tehran additionally will be given 24 days notice before inspectors enter any site suspected of being used to build a nuclear weapon. U.S. inspectors also will be banned from entering suspicious sites under the deal.

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