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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear News‘Regime change in Iran solution to the nuclear crisis’, say’s NCRI’s Safavi

‘Regime change in Iran solution to the nuclear crisis’, say’s NCRI’s Safavi


Instead of choosing between war with the Iranian regime or allowing it to preserve its enrichment and nuclear weapons infrastructure, world powers should choose a third option of supporting the Iranian people and their organized Resistance to bring about regime change in Iran, says Ali Safavi of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Iran’s main opposition coalition.

Referring to the terms of a nuclear deal agreed last week between the world powers and the regime in Iran, Mr. Safavi told Newsmax TV on Monday: “About $150 billion in cash would be provided to the coffers of the Iranian regime, and there is no question that most of this money will be used to fund terrorist groups in the region and prop up the Bashar al-Assad criminal regime in Syria, help the Houthis in Yemen, fund and provide missiles to Hezbollah and train and equip the Shiite militias in Iraq. And of course this is a very, very dangerous scenario and in fact a recipe for disaster when it comes to the stability of the region.”

He said that the claim by some that a rejection of the deal would lead to war is a “false narrative.”

“The option is neither bombing the Iran regime nor letting it have the bomb. There is a third option and that is of course bringing about democratic change in Iran by relying on the Iranian people and their organized opposition,” he added.

“The overwhelming majority of the Iranian people detest this regime. Even after this deal was signed people, who did come to the streets of Iran – and of course the mullahs muzzled it quite quickly – were chanting free political prisoners. So there is no love lost between the Iranian people and this regime. Quite frankly, we think that instead of enabling the mullahs and allowing it [to keep] the nuclear infrastructure intact – and of course in 10 years’ time become a nuclear armed state – the administration should reach out to the Iranian people to enable them to realize their long oppressed desire for freedom and democracy.”

“Given the nature of the regime in Iran, which has been wreaking havoc in the Middle East in the past 36 years, other countries in the region are justifiably very concerned; although I would say that in many respects this would be the minimum fallout of Iran going nuclear… If the Iranian regime gets its hand on a nuclear weapon, it is going to be rogue state,” Safavi emphasized.

Watch the entire interview by clicking below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4EBjPYqCpw  

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