Q&A on Iran nuclear deal with online panel on July 8


NCRI – An online panel will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 to discuss the possible international nuclear agreement with the Iranian regime. It will focus on the “Prospects, verification, consequences & challenges” that will arise if there is an accord.

The pending nuclear agreement between the P 5+1 and the Iranian regime will have major consequences for global peace and security. The panel of experts will discuss the prospects of the deal, the significance of intrusive inspections, the challenges the international community faces for verification, and Tehran’s strategy. There will also be a live Questions and Answers session.

The event will start at 11:00 a.m. (Washington DC)

(17:00 Central European Summer Time).

It will be streamed live here on

You can send questions to the panel via Twitter using #Iranfreedom or @Iran_policy


R. Bruce McColm, President, Institute for Democratic Strategies, former Executive Director of Freedom House.


Ambassador Robert G. Joseph, Ph.D. , former US Undersecretary of State for Arms Control &International Security. Previously, Dr. Joseph served in the National Security Council as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Proliferation Strategy, Counterproliferation and Homeland Defense.

Professor Raymond Tanter, former White House National Security Council senior staffer and personal representative of the Secretary of Defense in the 1983-1984 arms control talks.

Alireza Jafarzadeh, Deputy Director of the National Council of Resistance of Iran US Representative Office, who revealed the existence of clandestine nuclear facilities in Iran in 2002. He is also the author of The Iran Threat (Palgrave MacMillan).

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